Daycare Terms & Conditions


Stapleford Doggy Daycare Ltd terms and conditions, including policies.

By allowing a dog to attend Stapleford Doggy Daycare and accepting the services provided by Stapleford Doggy Daycare and its staff, the client is considered to have accepted these Terms & Conditions.


Stapleford Doggy Daycare open from 08:00 – 17:30 Monday to Friday. It is closed on weekends and bank holidays and during the period between Christmas and New Year.


Bookings and Payments are made in advance via the booking system on the webpage


Stapleford Doggy Daycare requires a full 48 hours’ notice for daycare services. The client agrees to provide this notice or pay the amount that would be due for the notice period. Cancellations can be made by the client with appropriate notice at any time.

Social Media

By agreeing to the contract, the client permits Stapleford Doggy Daycare to publish photos, videos, and other audiovisual content on social media platforms for marketing, advertising, and promotional purposes throughout the duration of the contract. In the event that the contract is terminated, any photos, videos, and audiovisual content that have already been shared on social media may continue to be used.

Dog behaviour

By agreeing to the contract, the client confirms that their dog has no history of anti-social, destructive, or aggressive behaviour. This includes disclosing any characteristics that may render their dog unsuitable for socializing with other dogs. Stapleford Doggy Daycare reserves the right to cancel any bookings immediately if the client’s dog displays unsuitable behaviour in this regard. The client agrees to inform Stapleford Doggy Daycare of any changes in their dog’s behaviour, training, health, or other relevant details that may impact their dog’s care at Stapleford Doggy Daycare.


Stapleford Doggy Daycare is located in Stapleford, and dogs will not be taken off the premises unless the owners are contacted and informed in the event of an emergency. The client agrees that their dog will be off their lead during daycare apart from during a trial day.


The client agrees that if an entire male dog exhibits aggressive or dominant behaviour during our daycare, Stapleford Doggy Daycare reserves the right to terminate daycare services immediately. The client will be notified of any antisocial or disruptive behaviour, which will not be tolerated during daycare.

Off lead

Stapleford doggy daycare operates in an off-lead environment. The Client grants permission for Stapleford doggy daycare to walk their dog(s) off-lead and consents to their dog(s) playing and interacting with other dogs within Stapleford doggy daycare’s secure field.

Pet Insurance

The client is responsible for making sure their pet(s) is insured under a pet insurance policy and understand their dog must hold their own insurance to attend daycare. The client must also inform their vets that their dog attend daycare.

Injuries to dog

I understand that while the socialisation and play is closely monitored by Stapleford Doggy Daycare LTD staff to prevent injury, it is still possible that during the normal course of play, my dog may receive minor nicks and scratches from interaction with other dogs, where Stapleford doggy day care will not be held liable.

In Season

Female dogs in season will not be able to attend Stapleford doggy daycare for the duration of their season which is at least 2 weeks – if your dog is sent to Stapleford doggy daycare during their season you hold full responsibility as there will be entire males in daycare.

Vaccinations, De-Fleaing and De-Worming

The client is responsible for ensuring that their dog will be kept up to date on all vaccinations, including de-fleaing and de-worming regularly as per recommended schedules.


The client grants authority for the staff at Stapleford doggy daycare to make judgement concerning veterinary care in the event of an accident or illness during their absence.

The client’s dog may be transported in a Stapleford doggy daycare vehicle using crates.

Third parties

No one other than a party to the Contract shall have any right to enforce any of its terms.

Governing law

The Contract, and any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales.


Each party irrevocably agrees that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with the Contract or its subject matter or formation.


A waiver of any right or remedy is only effective if given in writing and shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach or default. A delay or failure to exercise, or the single or partial exercise of, any right or remedy shall not: waive that or any other right or remedy; or prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy



Any dogs requiring feeding will be fed separately from the rest of the pack, with their food intake monitored by a staff member. Owners are responsible for providing their dogs’ food, which will not be supplied by Stapleford doggy daycare.

Feeding times will typically be at midday, although this may vary based on individual needs.

Dog food will be stored in locked cupboards, unless refrigeration is necessary; in that case, a fridge is available.


At Stapleford doggy daycare, we can administer medication as needed. Owners must inform staff about the specific dosage and frequency for administering the medication.

Written instructions and a signed disclaimer form will be required to provide consent for any medication administration. In the event of a medical emergency, the dog’s veterinarian and the designated emergency contact will be notified.


In response to extreme weather conditions, the following protocols will be implemented:


Stapleford Doggy Day Care will close if the temperature exceeds 30 degrees Celsius.

If temperatures remain below this threshold, we will ensure ample shade and fresh water for the dogs. Walks will be carefully monitored and scheduled only for early morning and late afternoon. We will provide gazebos, paddling pools, and sprinklers, as well as fans inside our buildings to enhance ventilation.

On hot days, staff will be vigilant in monitoring the dogs for signs of heat stroke. Symptoms to watch for include excessive panting, lethargy, changes in drinking behaviour (either excessive or insufficient), drowsiness, excessive drooling, vomiting, and in severe cases, collapse.


Stapleford Doggy Day Care will close if we determine that road conditions are unsafe for transporting dogs and staff, particularly in cases of heavy snowfall or ice.

Our facilities are fully insulated and equipped with heating. Dog owners are advised to send their pets with waterproof coats. We will also provide towels and dry bedding to ensure the dogs remain sheltered from harsh weather conditions.

Dogs will have continuous access to warm, dry indoor spaces at all times.


When a new dog joins Stapleford doggy daycare, they will be required to complete a full day’s trial to ensure they are well-suited for the environment. All dogs must exhibit the appropriate temperament to thrive in a daycare setting with other dogs.


We maintain a zero-tolerance policy for any dogs displaying antisocial, disruptive, or dominant behavior, and such dogs will not be permitted in daycare. New dogs will be slowly introduced to the existing pack under full supervision to ensure a smooth and stress-free transition for both the current dogs and the newcomer.


During the first hour, the new dog will be kept on a long lead to facilitate safe introductions while allowing us to monitor their body language. Any dogs deemed unfit for the daycare environment will be excluded as outlined in our exclusion policy.


We encourage all new clients to schedule a meet and greet prior to securing a space, as this provides us with an opportunity to assess the dog’s body language and gather essential information from the owners.


Each new dog will have a dedicated profile created, containing vital information for our staff, including the dog’s veterinary details, colour, breed, age, microchip number, and emergency contact information. This profile will also include a section where owners must confirm that their dogs are up to date with all necessary vaccinations for daycare, including flea and tick treatments. For safety, new dogs may be introduced through a fence and kept on a lead during initial interactions.


In the event that a disease or infectious outbreak is identified on site, the local veterinarians will be notified immediately. Any animal showing signs of infection will be placed in our designated isolation pen to await collection by the vet or transportation to the veterinary clinic.

All dogs must be vaccinated against parvovirus, distemper, leptospirosis, hepatitis, and kennel cough. Additionally, dogs must be kept up to date with their vaccinations, including flea and worm treatments.

Separate cleaning chemicals will be designated for the isolation pen and for use in the event of a disease outbreak. A staff member will be assigned to monitor the animal in the isolation pen while awaiting the veterinarian.

Once the animal has left the premises, the isolation pen will be thoroughly cleaned, and the staff member will be required to change their clothes, wash their hands, and change their footwear before attending to any other animals.

Any areas that the infected dog has come into contact with, including all van crates, will also be thoroughly cleaned to ensure the safety and well-being of all dogs in our care.


Dogs will be transported in a secure and safe area in the back of our vans.

All dogs taken to the veterinarian will wear collars with their names on them. No animals will be left in crates for any longer than necessary for transportation purposes.

Written consent will be required from clients to transport their dogs in our vans.

The crates used for transporting dogs will be cleaned every evening with dog-friendly disinfectant. Additionally, any crate used for transporting dogs to the vet will be cleaned both before and after use.


All dogs are required to participate in a full trial day at Stapleford Doggy Daycare. During this time, each dog will be closely monitored to ensure they exhibit appropriate behaviour and show no signs of aggression, disruptive behaviour, or extreme dominance towards other dogs. For the first hour, all new dogs will be kept on a long lead to ensure we maintain control and can intervene if necessary. Any dogs that we determine to be unsuitable for daycare will not be accepted, and their owners will be promptly informed.


In the event that a dog displays concerning behaviour, they will be placed in our isolation pen, and a staff member will check on the dog until the dog is picked up to minimize disruption for the other dogs in our care.


Clients will be required to agree to our terms and conditions before their dogs join us. These conditions stipulate that to the best of the owner’s knowledge, their dog(s) have never exhibited any signs of aggressive behaviour and are suitable for daycare.


If an injury occurs as a result of an aggressive dog attending our daycare, the owner will be notified immediately, and our veterinary services will be contacted as needed. If it is determined that the aggressive behaviour was known prior to the dog’s arrival at daycare and our staff were not informed, the owner of the aggressive dog will be held responsible for any injuries sustained by other dogs.


For now it is not a requirement for dogs in daycare to be neutered/spayed. However, if entire males are showing dominant behaviour this may be a policy that we bring in the near future, we do recommend all entire males are castrated before coming to daycare but will be monitoring this closely, any dogs showing a dominant behaviour towards others will not be allowed to return.

Any dog in season must NOT attend Stapleford doggy daycare for the entirety of their season.

During their time at Stapleford doggy daycare, dogs will be supervised at all times. If a staff member needs to leave urgently, floating and cover staff will take over to supervise the dogs in day care.


There will be a ratio of 1 staff member to every 8 dogs. All dogs will receive beneficial, positive human interaction throughout the day. They will receive positive praise, gentle physical affection, i.e strokes, and will be provided with enrichment games, toys and activities throughout the day as well as suitable physical exercise.


All dogs will be monitored for any signs of unusual bowel movements, urine problems, vomiting, appetites during feeding & excessive drinking/not drinking enough.

Any dog that is ill and needing collection or to go to the vets will be made comfortable in the isolation pen. This will have clean bowls and bedding that is kept separate to the other dogs and cleaned after every use.

All dogs will be visually monitored to look for any signs of illness, disease, hurt or anything that is a cause for concern. Staff will get to know the usual behaviours of each dog so they can easily recognise if a dog isn’t behaving in their usual manner.

Owners will be contacted if their dog isn’t well and a plan of action will be decided. In emergency cases the dog will be taken straight to the vets without waiting for the owner to collect. This will be agreed with written consent in the contract of terms and conditions before the dog starts at Stapleford doggy daycare.


All crates in the vans will be disinfected daily with products suitable for animals. The day care centre will be cleaned and mopped each evening and there will be visual checks throughout the day to check for any damaged or broken toys and equipment that could cause harm to the dogs. These will be removed immediately.


Transportation to a local vets, Stapleford Doggy day care are a registered day care centre with Melton vets, if we deem that dogs need medical attention immediately we reserve the rights to take your dog to our local vet for fast and immediate treatment.

Updated 01.10.2024

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Holygate Farm, Holygate Road, Stapleford, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire. LE14 2SG

T +44 (0) 1572 787 540 M +44 (0)7841681398 755 E W

Our privacy notice is available on request from the Estate Office